Rethinking Sacrifice and Atonement: Introduction

Rethinking Sacrifice and Atonement: Introduction

       For centuries, Christians have been taught that the idea that Jesus made atonement for the sins of humanity in his passion and death is firmly rooted in the New Testament. According to most biblical scholars, the basis for this...
Rethinking Justification by Faith: Introduction

Rethinking Justification by Faith: Introduction

            Since the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century, Christians have been divided over the doctrine of justification by faith. Controversies regarding this doctrine arose when...
Why Does Faith Justify?

Why Does Faith Justify?

Expanded version of a presentation given at theFourteenth International Congress for Luther Research California Lutheran UniversityThousand Oaks, CaliforniaAugust 17, 2022 Of all the teachings of Martin Luther, none is generally considered to be more central to his...