Expanded version of a presentation given at theFourteenth International Congress for Luther Research California Lutheran UniversityThousand Oaks, CaliforniaAugust 17, 2022 Of all the teachings of Martin Luther, none is generally considered to be more central to his...
Here We Stand?
Unedited version of editorial published in Dialog 60, 2 (June 2021), pp. 112-116. Five hundred years ago, fully conscious and forewarned of the fate that might await him there, Martin Luther rode into the city of Worms in response to an invitation to appear...
An Ever More Critical Dialogue: Table-talking with Paulo Freire on Education and Liberation
Paper presented for the Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions UnitAnnual Meeting of the American Academy of ReligionSan Antonio, TexasNovember 20, 2021 While at first glance it might seem that the sixteenth-century German reformer Martin Luther and the...
Dying to Be Lutheran
Originally Published: Nov. 20, 2017 What does it mean to be Lutheran? Can one rightly call oneself Lutheran if one does not fully identify with the Northern European culture in which Lutheranism originally arose, or is Lutheranism by nature inseparable from that...
Luther on Balaam’s Ass
In his writings, Luther referred repeatedly to the story of the prophet Balaam and his donkey or ass in order to stress that God can speak through the most humble and insignificant of people whom the world views with contempt, and in ways that are entirely contrary to...
Gemeinde Transformata Semper Transformanda Evangelio: Theological Education for What?
Presentation given at the Luther Colloquy of United Lutheran Seminary Gettysburg, Pennsylvania October 30, 2019 Unedited version of article published in Dialog 59, 2 (June 2020), pp. 138–146. If the...
Did Paul Get Luther Right?
Unedited version of an article published in Dialog 46, 1 (Spring 2007), 24-30 After finishing the manuscript of my recently published Paul on the Cross,[1] I remember thinking to myself that the first...
Sola Gratia as Divine Attribute: Resurrecting the God of the Gospel
Unedited version of article published in Dialog 54, 3 (Fall 2015), 269-279. Since Reformation times, the phrase sola gratia has been used to affirm that the justification and salvation of...
Sola Fide and Luther’s “Analytic” Understanding of Justification
Unedited version of article published in Pro Ecclesia 13, 1 (Winter 2004), pp. 39-57 If asked to identify the one figure and one teaching most responsible for the current fragmented state of Western...
Martin and Gustavo: Two Theologies of Liberation and their Implications for the Church’s Mission Today
Presentation given at Trinity Lutheran Seminary Columbus, Ohio March 2004 In this paper I would like to take the best of two worlds in which I live as a Lutheran and a person living in Latin America by...