Biblical Interpretation Luteranism
Biblical Interpretation Luteranism
Biblical Interpretation Luteranism
Biblical Interpretation Luteranism
Biblical Interpretation Luteranism
Inclusive God Language

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Watch my presentation on Theological Education in the Lutheran Tradition from the 2019 Luther Colloquy of United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Campus:

Gemeinde Transformata Semper Transformanda Evangelio: Theological Education for What? (50 minutes)

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Luther On Balaam’s Ass

Luther often pointed to the story of Balak and Balaam in Numbers 22 to affirm that, if God spoke through the mouth of a donkey once, God can speak through any of us, no matter how insignificant, unworthy, or unqualified for that task we may seem in the eyes of others. If such is the case, then we must listen to the voices of all if we hope to discern God’s voice today.

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Inclusive God Language

Inclusive God-Language

How can we speak of God today in ways that avoid perpetrating gender inequity yet continue to present God as a caring, intimate, and gracious person rather than an abstract, distant divinity? This article explores a variety of ways in which we may seek to accomplish that objective.


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Inclusive God Language

On the Eulogizing of the Rev. Dr. James H. Cone

When the Rev. Dr. James H. Cone passed away in April 2018, Christians throughout the world whose lives had been profoundly transformed by his theology of blackness mourned his death. Here is my own eulogy written from the Mexican context in which I teach.

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Inclusive God Language

The Roads Not Taken: Why Jesus Went Up to Jerusalem

What led Jesus to embark on his final and fatal trip to Jerusalem? When we look to the nature of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee rather than to some theory of atonement to answer that question, we find good reasons for concluding that Jesus realized that only by going to Jerusalem could the objectives he had been pursuing throughout his ministry be accomplished in the way he desired. While the price he would pay for going to Jerusalem would be that of his life, from his perspective the price he would pay if he avoided Jerusalem would be even greater.

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